Stormers Game

MCC Men are going to the Lancaster Stormers Game. On Friday August 16, 2024, we will have seats together. The cost for the game is $25 which includes the cost of the ticket and a $15 Concessions voucher. This is a kid-friendly event, but they must be accompanied by a parent.

Questions contact Ken Howard.


MCC MEns Ministry

The vision for MCC Men's Ministry falls in line with MCC as a whole--we want to help all men passionately pursue Christ. How do we do that? Through discipleship--becoming a disciple, growing as a disciple, and going as a disciple.

We have four primary ministry areas. Some are already going and some are in the process of being started. 

Contact Matt Watson or Ken Howard with any questions or for more information.

  • Social Events

    These opportunities will be scheduled throughout the year and could include a trip to a baseball game, a hike, open gym at the ministry center, or a game night. This would be a chance to meet and get to know other men in the ministry

  • Saturday Morning Men's Breakfasts

    Men's breakfasts are held at 7:30 AM on Saturdays at the Ministry Center (45 Veterans Drive). They are a great way to enjoy a meal together, spend some time in the Word, and find out about more ways to get involved. 

    2024-2025 Men's Breakfast Dates:

    September 21

    October 26

    November 23

    January 25

    February 22

    March 29

    April 26

    May 31

  • Grow Groups

    A Grow Group is the heart of growing as a disciple because within these groups of three men we confess sin, study God's Word for ourself, and pray with one another.

    For more details on this, contact Matt Watson

  • Work Projects

    As we are growing as a disciple, we seek to care for others in need and share the hope of Christ. Some of this will be planned as a need arises in the community, but will also include opportunities to work on the grounds at the church and with the Sportsman's Banquet in early March.

    George Cattell heads up our work days partnering with Servant's Ministry.

  • sportsmans Banquet

    Our annual Sportsmans Banquet takes place in early March each year. The event will take place in the FLC gym of Mount Calvary Church; date and time details coming soon! Keep checking back for more information and to sign up.

  • Men's Retreat

    Save the Date: Men's Retreat will be April 11-13, 2025